Cornell Vet School Open House was just as
exciting as we thought it would be! Too bad the average
age of the attendees was around 6. But it's ok, Laurdee
always makes the most of the situation. Today, we learned
how to milk a cow, as well as how fat we look in vet scrubs.
We almost brought home a dog, saw a real live camel, and
had our faces morphed onto lions and elephants bodies. However,
the most exciting part of the day was definitely speaking
to the overly enthusiastic student about x-rays. Who knew
that a hedgehog's spikes showed up through the x-ray machine??
We also enjoyed the stares from parents wondering if we
were "special". Oh well, at least we had fun.
And apparently Deanna has found her calling...after hours
in surgery, the teddy bear is going to live! What a great
ending to the day!

Ya know, when Laura's ears are that huge,
her gums don't look so big!

Got my mom in on the barnyard action that
day. For some reason I was feeling rather porky and Laura
was acting like such a jack ass.

Umm, what the hell are they feeding this
horse? Maybe Dee should check out other colleges...

As you can see, Laura just loves grabbing
tits. We tried to pull her away but she latched onto the
tit with her mouth and the cow started moaning and it was
just a big mess. Luckily all the little kids ran away in
horror so the line got shorter:)

Dee was feeling a little bit country today.
You can't see the cow's face but trust me he is loving those
magic fingers. Dee's comments: "It was good to get
my hands on four at once."

Ladies: the newest trend for spring is also
the most slimming. Check out our fantastic figures in these
oh so flattering scrubs. Better get to the mall quick though,
these suckers are selling out fast! And don't forget your
mask and hairnet, without them, you just look stupid.

Don't worry, these fantastic surgeons are on the case. Mr.
Teddy apparently is enjoying his surgery. Either that or
his drugs. Mmmm.....drugs...

Coming Fall 2004, When Vets Attack,
a love story about 2 fantastic vets who become fast friends
and roommates. But one is harboring a terrible secret- will
the other be horribly and brutally murdered......

...Or will she fight back....Either way
this is bound to be the romantic comedy drama action flick
of the millenium!

Why do Laura's eyes look so weird? And why
does Dee have such a maniacal look on her face? Does she
get off on ripping the poor Teddy's stuffing out? Or maybe
the hole in the cloth was pushed down a little too far and
Dee saw something she liked. I'm not sure which it is but
I have a feeling if Teddy knew what Dee was planning to
do with those scissors, he wouldn't be smiling.

Look at these two soccer moms. Once they
ditch their scrubs, they clean up pretty well. Although
I think I can smell them from here. It takes a real woman
to carry off the barn smell. And did I mention that the
camera adds ten pounds? That must be why we look so porky
in all these pics. At least some things never change....check
out the big gums and yellow teeth we are sporting here.
Oh well, we're still more gorgeous than you are.