What could be a better way to start off
Senior Week than a trip to Six Flags Darien Lake! Although
we didn't do many of the rides and those we did made us
kinda nauseous, we still had a grand old time eating free
popcorn and paying 30 cents for the drinks due to the wonderful
coupons our school handed us. We got totally soaked on the
river rapids ride and had a war on the bumper cars. Altogether,
the day was perfect as the sun shined down on us and the
lines stayed short. Unfortunately, Laurdee didn't dress
correctly: we forgot to wear our bikini tops with supershort
shorts like all the 15 year olds! Oh well, at least we'll
know how to impress for the next time!

Off to the first ride of the day - the Ferris
Wheel! They don't make them like they used to, as this hyperspeed
sucker almost launched us into space. You can tell we are
defying the laws of gravity just by looking at how Laura's
head is 3 times too small for her body. Actually, there
is a science devoted to the study of the effect of warp
speed travel on the shrinkage of one's head. Surprisingly,
the findings show that this only affects the female species,
which explains why Gary's head looks so normal. If you would
like to learn more about such studies, please send a check
for $50,034 to Room 462 and we will gladly send you the
minutes from our last 5 meetings on the subject. Order within
the first 5 minutes and receive a free Captain Kirk bobblehead!
Oh that Captain Kirk, what a sexy biatch!

Aren't these girls silly? They rode the
ferris wheel hoping to pick up hotties but didn't realize
you can't jump from car to car. What were they thinking?
We heard one of them tried to hook up with the ride usher.
How romantic!

Dee is right in her element here on this
bucking beauty. Look how she glides effortlessly, one handed
and looking off to the side while at the same time controlling
the stallion. Her skills dazzled and amazed the crowed that
was viewing the show from the benches outside, scared to
come closer to the vicious animal. It's no wonder she won
first prize, as is evident by the crown and necklace of
flowers on her neck. She must have won, why would anyone
walk around dressed like that otherwise??

Laura has a different special talent. Although
she is not skilled in riding a horse, she can imitate its
mouth. Look at those teeth and gums, how she forms them
into such a perfect horse shape is incomprehensible.

All hail to the Queen oh Hawaii and her
jesters! The royal crown of real diamonds and jewels got
Dee free popcorn and rides all day! Jess and Rebecca are
so happy to serve the Queen and hope her legs tire soon
so they can massage her feet. Boy aren't they lucky!

Hey there boys! You didn't know you could
find girls hotter than Pamela Anderson browsing the gift
shops of Six Flags! Don't be shy, how can you resist these
faces? Darling, just darling.

Here we are again, the happy sixsome. This
was a designated "photo spot" and boy was it worth
it! We sucked in some poor fool walking by with the premise
of taking one picture for us, and then proceeded to make
him take one with each camera! Muah hahahah! Don't mess
with the tricky duo Laurdee or you'll get burned sucka!!!

Dee is pretty happy to finally get to drive.
And boy does she look styling! Laurdee wasn't too happy
with the one way on the bumper car arena, but then again
we follow the Randy Moss school of driving! So One Way becomes
Any Way! Take that fool!

Watch out Britney and Christina! Jess is
ripping out a fresh new look that will totally win over
any college boy and teeniebopper in Canada and New Jersey.
It takes a girl years to perfect that sexy look but Jess
is such a natural. We're sure her career will skyrocket
soon and maybe she'll get a spot in Darien Lake's free variety
show. Yippy!

And they are off! Coming around the corner
Gary is in first place, with Laura close behind. It looks
like Gary is making a fatal error and trying to pose for
a picture! He has taken his hands off the wheel and Laura
is looking very excited at the opportunity to pass! What
will happen??? Oh how nerve wrecking!!!

Woo! We're beat. Too much fun makes us sleepy.
At least we found this luxury lounge to relax in for a few
minutes and revive ourselves. Hey notice that Erika is the
only one not wearing jeans. Where does she think she's going,
to a formal event?? I don't think so Erika, next time get
in the loop and plan your outfits to match the rest of us!